Ihr EICON Team - Unsere Mitarbeiter kümmern sich um Ihr Anliegen

Your EICON Team

Our employees take care of your concerns

Sebastian Eigruber

Sebastian Eigruber

Management / Sales

Cornelia Czakert

Cornelia Czakert

Sales / Administration

Kathrin Kaiser

Kathrin Kaiser

Sales / Administration

Melisa Slavulj

Melisa Slavulj

Sales / Administration

Reinhard Bartl

Reinhard Bartl


Sabine Platzer

Sabine Platzer

Design and construction

Rüdiger Preinstorfer

Rüdiger Preinstorfer

Design and construction

Werner Grünbart

Werner Grünbart

Design and construction

Dean Milicevic

Dean Milicevic

Design and construction

Melanie Müller

Melanie Müller

Assembling / Service

Thomas Gall

Thomas Gall

Assembling / Service

Thomas Leibetseder

Thomas Leibetseder

Assembling / Service

Daniel Torlee

Daniel Torlee

Assembling / Service

Alfred Reindl

Alfred Reindl

Assembling / Service

Arnold Hödl

Arnold Hödl
